Joining TOM JACKSON to discuss the postcards from his past is writer and autograph dealer ADAM ANDRUSIER (The Autograph Hunter). Together we consider fame, authenticity and collecting, encountering on the way the few celebrity inhabitants of Pinner, a reluctant Ray Charles, a broken wrist and a cancelled holiday. We get our pictures drawn by computer, meet the poet laureate and man the telex while doing our best not to leak state secrets on a postcard. Wish you were here?

Royal Windsor multiview, 28 August 1985. “Dear Flo. I was pleased to speak to you on the phone but it was such a bad line I couldn’t tell you much. I had a lovely holiday with Stan but as soon as you’d put the phone down Stan rang to say he’d fallen and broken his wrist & can’t go to Cyprus in 10 days time. I’m off to Northampton on Friday & will come & see you soon. Loo after yourself – Emma”

Great Yarmouth multiview, 30 August 1984.”Dear Mummy & Daddy – Hello! Since I spoke to you and said the weather was really good – it’s got worse. Went on the beach twice & Tuesday we spent all our money in the town. Now we’ve got to live on cornflakes, tea & Nick’s toilet rolls. He & Rob have had our pictures drawn by a computer & today if the weather doesn’t clear up we’re going to the swimming pool in Gt. Yarmouth – it’s got a wave machine. See you when we get back (probably Sunday – will let you know) Bob & Julia”

Adam’s card from Ted Hughes.

Adam’s postcard from Jonathan Miller.

Palace of Westminster from across the Thames, London, 16 August 1971. “Dear Crawf, Both of us got jobs as clerical officers at the Dept. of the Environment. We are working a 41hr week for over £15. Just now I am in the Communications Section with my own secretary. You learn quite a lot e.g. £12m is to be spent modernising Devonport so that it will be able to handle Nuclear subs, Leander class frigates, &, when they come into service, the new type 21 & 22 frigates. David is working in the Enquiries section and is much busier than I am. Yours John & David”

Adam’s postcard with Richard Gere’s autograph. Adam didn’t get the job at Fortnum & Mason, but he did get the signature.

Adam’s postcard with pianist McCoy Tyner’s autograph.

A musical postcard: the Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen.