Joining TOM JACKSON to discuss the postcards from her past is violinist, musical director and author HELEN O’HARA (Dexy’s Midnight Runners, What She’s Like). Together we meet the knockoff Bee Gees, send a bikini to Birmingham, discover a battleship charm, and ponder Eddie Calvert played backwards. And we’ll hear tales of life on the road, shopping sprees in Brooks Brothers and letting down the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra for a life in pop music. Wish you were here?

Tissington, Derbyshire, 14 August 1962. “Dear All, Thank you for my presents – Fifi is lovely, Lynda. I have had: – 32 cards! a 2lb box of chocs from work, £2-10-0d, a glass elephant & Bambi (big ones) from Mr Morris, a stocking case from Mr & Ms B, box of chocs from Wigglesworth, & a fluorescent yellow jumper from H & E (its too small), a battleship charm which opens, another 1 1/2lb chocs, tweed perfume, Yardleys hand cream, Hair talc, and 6 scarlet carnations from Eric. My party went off lovely and I managed o.k. Everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves… P.P.S. I think my candlesticks are lovely.”

The Summit, Snowdon, 29 August, 1984. “Dear Granny & Grandad yesterday I climbed Snowdon the first bit was fine but then it was very difficult at last we reached the top it was frezzing cold. Mummy & M were meant to be coming up by train but it was booked up so I couldn’t get down in the train so I had to walk the 100 miles down lots of love Rachel xxxxx”

Helen’s postcard from Utrecht, sent from Dexys Midnight Runners on tour in 1982.

Santa Ponsa, Mallorca, 15 May 200. “ Having a sweltering time here in Mallorca, sun cream every day but the sea is cold, met a couple from Dublin at the square where we see 4 tops, Abba, Bee-Gees and the Peeking acrobats, who were brilliant. The apartment is very nice but we have diggers and drilling at 8.15 in the morning which is very nice because we do not like it if its quiet.”

Helen’s card from Taipei, featuring push-out soldiers.

A musical postcard from Paris.