Joining TOM JACKSON to discuss the postcards from their pasts are writers JAMES HOGG (Little Ern: The Authorised Biography of Ernie Wise, Hello Darlings! The Authorised Biography of Kenny Everett) and RICHARD SMYTH (The Woodcock, The Jay, The Beech And The Limpetshell). Together, we dine at Romano’s with Phil May, cascade down a lost watersplash, and grind out a caffeinated citybreak. We avoid the food poisoning, dodge the rockpools, confuse Oban and Inverary and travel to 1931for a good game of tennis with Albert. Wish you were here?

Inverary, 26 July, 1971, “Dear Rachel, We are having a lovely holiday but we are not staying in Inverary. I went and bought the wrong card! We are staying in Oban, actually, and this looks rather like it so I went and bought it. Sorry!”

South Beach, Bridlington, 24 October, 1989, “Dear Iain, We have had a lovely holiday here in Brid but alas every good thing comes to an end we are on our way home today. Hope to see you soon I seem to be always saying it.”

“I remember Romano’s…”: James’ postcard of the legendary West End restaurant, Romano’s of the Strand.

Richard’s postcard of the Watersplash at Scarborough.

Scarborough multiview, 5 August, 1931, “Am having quite a decent time up here. I wish Albert was here for a good game of tennis. Hope you are both OK.”

A postcard of composer Benjamin Britten – as caricatured by Fred May. Part of James’ collection.

James’ postcard of street musicians by the great Phil May, sometime diner (and drinker) at Romano’s.

Richard’s coffee grinder postcard from Budapest.

Grib Goch From Snowdon Summit, 25 July 1969, “Dear Aunty Joan, Uncle Charles and Ann, I am having a fantastic time in Wales. The weather is quite decent and I have been swimming, canoeing and climbing. Here we have had some food poisoning, due to a cafe on the beach but I didn’t get it. Luv Diana”

A musical postcard: Chillon Castle with a soundtrack of “Mambo Rock”