Joining Tom Jackson – recorded in the golden, faraway days before lockdown – to discuss the postcards from their pasts are novelist CAROLINE O’DONOGHUE and journalist ESTHER WEBBER. Amongst other postcard diversions, we explore non-threatening boys on a Paris balcony, ponder the twin villages of Brixton and Westminster, the unlimited charm of David Sedaris, and the loneliness of the long-distance academic. Wish you were here?
Brussels, 1976. “Linda isn’t having any difficulty spending money depite the language difficulties.”The Glastonbury Thorn, 1984. “ I’ve got told off for singing too loud in the chapel. Keep seeing Westminster Banks in obscure villages.”Caroline’s Paris card – a vision of who she wanted to be, or her family thought she wanted to be?The Simpsons – a card from Caroline’s brother.Esther’s card, sent from a friend who was working in Istanbul, but purchased from the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill.A card from Barcelona. Esther’s sister sent her this card, when Esther was starting to make a name for herself in journalism. It reveals that Esther has a namesake who is a successful life-coach and masseuse.Tom’s card of an unexplained image on a card of Sitges.Unsettling detail of the same.Lyme Bay, 1982. “I hope that this card finds you well. Take great care. Thank you for the grapefruit spoons.”A treasured postcard: sent to Caroline by the writer David Sedaris. Elizabeth Taylor. This card holds connections for her to her grandmother. Purbeck, 1966. “We had a lovely week at Swanage last week. Frankly I don’t like Bournemouth.”A musical postcard: the Laboe naval memorial.