Joining Tom Jackson to discuss the postcards from their pasts are musician NICK HEYWARD (Haircut 100) and writer and cold-water swimming enthusiast JENNY LANDRETH (Swell). In this episode, the postcards take us to a Canadian mountain, an English seaside town left high and dry, and Selma, Alabama. Nick and Jenny reveal the personal stories behind postcards that they have kept hold of. Public erection is prohibited. Wish you were here?
Haircut 100 on a postcard given away with Weetabix

Jenny’s card from the mysterious Amro
The $1.50 card that Nick fought to use on the cover of his album

Mermaid Street in Rye – bolthole and inspiration for Nick

The card from Selma, Alabama sent by Jenny’s brother-in-law on the roadtrip where he saw the plane flown by Jenny’s father in 1943

Public Erection Prohibited

“I spoke to the coachdriver and he said he knew Dorothy and would point her house out and even stop if there was time but in the end did neither.”